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Kaiser Permanente
San Mateo County
2023 Community Health Snapshot

San Mateo County

Serving communities around our Redwood City and South San Francisco medical facilities.

Building healthier communities

Improving health and equity in the communities we serve is foundational to Kaiser Permanente’s mission. Our charitable contributions are guided by a comprehensive assessment that helps us to identify and address community health needs.

In 2023, Kaiser Permanente provided $1 million to support local nonprofits and partners working to build healthier communities in our San Mateo County service area.

Teen with youth counselor

community mental health

With a rise in demand for mental health services and an ongoing shortage of mental health professionals, we supported programs to expand the pool of qualified, diverse mental health professionals and increase access to community services for young people and vulnerable individuals.

We funded North East Medical Services to help connect 190 residents with trauma-related disorders to culturally and linguistically appropriate behavioral health services. We also partnered with Voices of Recovery San Mateo County to train 80 professionals, paraprofessionals, and community members on tools to help people with substance use and mental health challenges.

Woman delivering groceries

Helping people
meet basic needs

Nutritious food and stable housing are essential to health, but they’re out of reach for many people in our community. We supported organizations that help those with low incomes access healthy food, enroll in benefit programs such as CalFresh, and find safe, affordable housing.

Our grant to Samaritan House’s Safe Harbor Shelter helped 100 people experiencing homelessness receive needed assistance to achieve housing stability and move into permanent housing. Kaiser Permanente also supported Puente de la Costa Sur’s weekly grocery delivery program to food-insecure seniors in rural coastal communities who are often isolated.

Students in classroom

economic opportunities

Reliable jobs and stable incomes are foundational to good health and help people afford essentials such as nutritious food and safe housing. That’s why we support organizations that work with our underserved populations and communities of color to promote college and career readiness, quality jobs, and diverse small business growth.

We funded the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Peninsula to scale its college and career readiness programs that supported 490 students to become first-generation college graduates. In addition, our Upward Scholars grant provided career development and wraparound support for 250 adult immigrant English language learners to work toward earning family-sustaining wages.

Community health priorities

As part of our commitment to improve health and health equity in our community, every 3 years we conduct a rigorous and collaborative community health needs assessment. For 2023, Kaiser Permanente identified the following significant health priorities in our San Mateo communities.

Illustration of youth group therapy session

Mental and behavioral health

Illustration of nurse providing medication to senior member in wheelchair

Access to care

Illustration of woman at desk on laptop

Income and employment

Illustration of house with tree and mailbox

Housing and homelessness

By the numbers


2023 San Mateo
total community investment

Illustration of family sitting on grass
Illustration of tree


In grants and donations


Medical Financial


Medical residents trained
in our Graduate Medical
Education programs


In employee and corporate
donations to nonprofits
through KPGives

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