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2021 Community Health Snapshot

Serving communities around our Vacaville and Vallejo medical facilities.


to improve

In 2021, Kaiser Permanente continued to respond urgently to the staggering health and economic toll of the COVID-19 pandemic on the communities we serve.

Together with our partners, we addressed the most critical health needs in our community: COVID-19 prevention and vaccination; food, housing, and economic security; and mental health and wellness. We prioritized support of low-income communities and communities of color, who continue to bear an unequal burden from the pandemic.

Family checking in at vaccination clinic

Protecting hard-hit communities

COVID-19 vaccines became widely available in 2021, but some communities hard hit by the pandemic faced barriers to getting vaccinated. Kaiser Permanente collaborated with public health departments, community health centers, and other trusted community and faith partners to address vaccine concerns and make it easy for people to get vaccinated.

Kaiser Permanente awarded Touro University California grants totaling more than $300,000 to address misinformation about the vaccine in the community and increase the vaccination rate of Black, Latinx, and Filipino communities that have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic in Solano County. The university hosted 60 pop-up and 12 mass vaccination clinics and provided more than 11,700 vaccines.

Youth handing out pantry items at food drive

Providing critical support for social health needs

Good health requires more than high-quality medical care. Social health factors such as having enough healthy food and a safe place to live are also essential. As the economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic wears on, Kaiser Permanente is intensifying efforts to meet the critical social health needs of our community.

One example of this is our 2-year $150,000 grant to the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano that provides fresh produce and food pantry items to students through school-based food distributions that is projected to serve 3,100 individuals at risk for hunger. The funding also supports programs to connect eligible households to government food benefits such as CalFresh.

Woman smiling

Improving access to mental health care

Against the backdrop of a national shortage of mental health care professionals, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated mental health needs in the community. In response, Kaiser Permanente is using its resources, reach, and partnerships to improve access to community mental health services and expand the mental health workforce pipeline.

In Napa County, Kaiser Permanente supported Puertas Abiertas Community Resource Center to increase access to behavioral health care services for undocumented, low-income Latinx community members through a series of workshops. The series focused on personal growth and resilience in the wake of the pandemic and in response to the intergenerational trauma of racism that undocumented, migrant workers often experience in the United States.

By the Numbers


2021 Napa/Solano
Total Community


People received
Medical Financial Assistance


Subsidized health
care and coverage


Youth and adults reached
through Educational Theatre


In grants, donations
and direct support


Medical residents trained
in our Graduate Medical
Education programs

Teens holding up written signs with positive messages for mental health

Community health priorities

As part of our commitment to improve health and health equity in our community, every 3 years we conduct a rigorous and collaborative community health needs assessment. For 2021, Kaiser Permanente identified the following significant health priorities in our Napa/Solano communities.

Access to
Care and Coverage

High quality, culturally, and linguistically appropriate health services in coordinated delivery systems.

Community and
Family Safety

Safe environments and support for individuals who are victims or at-risk of violence.


All community members are economically secure in order to thrive.

Mental Health
and Wellness

Social and emotional health and well-being and access to high-quality behavioral health care services when needed.

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